You should know


Liceul Teoretic Mihail Sadoveanu
Universitatea Naţională de Arte Bucureşti - Graphic Design
London Metropolitan University - Computer Animation


Favorite Quotations:
“I've always been more comfortable making my decisions from the subconscious level, or more emotionally, because I find it is more truthful to me, Intellectually, I don't think like that because I get uncomfortable. I'm more wary of my intellectual mind, of becoming delusional if I think of it too much.” ~ Tim Burton

“We all know interspecies romance is weird.”~ Tim Burton

“One person's crazyness is another person's reality.”~ Tim Burton

" I've learned that good-byes will always hurt, pictures will never replace having been there, memories good and bad will bring tears, and words can never replace feelings.”

There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.

"Take away love and our earth is a tomb." ~Robert Browning

Those who can walk, should walk
Those who can dance, should dance
Those who can fly... you know the rest, don't you?
I believe in you. Even if you don't...

Niciodata nu putem judeca viata celorlati, pentru ca fiecare îsi
cunoaste propria durere si renuntare.

" Vorbim prea mult, iubim prea rar si uram prea des. Am invatat cum sa ne castigam existenta, dar nu cum sa ne facem o viata. Am adaugat ani vietii si nu viata anilor..." ~ Octavian Paler

"Am invatat ca nu poti face pe cineva sa te iubeasca
Tot ce poti face este sa fii o persoana iubita.
Am invatat ca dureaza ani sa castigi incredere
Si ca doar in cateva secunde poti sa o pierzi
Am invatat ca trecutul si circumstantele ti-ar putea influenta personalitatea
Dar ca TU esti responsabil pentru ceea ce devii
Am invatat ca nu conteaza CE ai in viata
Ci PE CINE ai.
Am invatat ca trebuie sa te desparti de cei dragi cu cuvinte calde
S-ar putea sa fie ultima oara cand ii vezi
Am invatat ca indiferent cat de mult suferi,
Lumea nu se va opri in loc pentru durerea ta.
Am invatat ca sunt oameni care te iubesc
Dar nu stiu s-o arate
Am invatat ca, daca cineva nu te iubeste cum ai vrea tu
Nu inseamna ca nu te iubeste din tot sufletul.
Am invatat ca viata iti poate fi schimbata in cateva ore
De catre oameni care nici nu te cunosc.
Am invatat ca doi oameni pot privi acelasi lucru
Si pot vedea ceva total diferit
Am invatat ca oamenii la care tii cel mai mult
Iti sunt luati prea repede ...
Am invatat ca este prea greu sa-ti dai seama
Unde sa tragi linie intre a fi amabil, a nu rani oamenii si a-ti
sustine parerile. " ~ Octavian Paler

2D/3D modeling
Jewelry making

2D Animation
3D Animation
Pixar Animation Studios
Walt Disney Animation
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
contact: [email protected]

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